Vocaloid Kaiko's Story Part 1

Kaito: Kaiko.......Wake up...
Kaiko: Ngh~ *yawns* Leave me alone I'm kinda tired....

Kaito: *Shoves off bed* Ahh This is one nice bed thanks for letting me sleep in it!! ^^

Kaiko:......Fine! I'm up what do you want?

Kaito: Mom told me that we have to get out of the house today and hang out with some friends! (I hope she believes this lie)

Kaiko: .....fine I'll go but can I invite Mikuo???

Kaito:..N-no.. I don't like him I just wanted to hang out today just the two of us...

Kaiko: Okay okay fine It'll be just us but if I run into him I'm gonna hang out with him! Kay? Now get out so i can get dressed *smiles*

Kaito:.....Kaiko what are you wearing?!

Kaiko: Oh my new outfit mom bought me! Do you like it?!

Kaito: Um...*turns away to blush* Yeah yeah it's fine just don't expose so much you might catch a cold....if you need it you can borrow my coat..

Kaiko: Huh? Oh okay then let's go!!!!!!!

Where are you two going today?..........

Kaiko: Well.. Kaito told me we were going out to have fun! ~

Meiko: Oh really? Did he? Well he forgot something he was supposed to be on a date with me!!!!!!!!!


Why would you do that?!

Meiko: Well I wouldn't have hit you if you had remembered our date let's go!!!

Kaito: Okay okay geez... Sorry Kaiko for waking you up 

Meiko: HURRY UP!!!!!

Kaito: Watch the house while I'm gone!!!'

Kaiko: Okay!!!!! (Great now what am I supposed to do?)

*Sings to herself*


Kaiko: *Opens door* Yes? 

Meito: Hey there Kaiko-Chan *pushes door open and grabs Kaiko*

Kaiko: W-what are you-

Meito: Oh nothing just saying hi
Kaiko: And this your way of saying hi?!
*blushes* G-get off.....

Meito: Sorry I was just having fun! ^^

Mikuo: How dare you!!

Kaiko: Oh my god both of you always fighting over me c'mon I told you I
wasn't looking for anyone to date now get out of my house!

Miku: *panting* Mikuo why did you run off! E-eh?!

Kaiko: M-Miku... help me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miku: Ack! um you see I um can't just barge in you know? 

Kaiko: P-please....They're touching me wrong help!

Miku: O_O GUYS LET HER GO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kaiko: *blushing hard* Thanks Miku

Miku: No problem! Call anytime and I'll straighten things out
Oh and by the way where is Kaito? I brought him lunch!! ^-^

Kaiko: He's on a date with Meiko San and left me to watch the house--


Kaiko: (I'm so lonely I'll just go to sleep)*cries to self* (This happens to me all the time I guess I'll sing myself to sleep)

Kaiko: *waking up* *yawns* W-where am I?

Unknown: Hello Kaiko you seem to be well!

Unknown: She is Kaito's sister amazing! Don't worry were friends of your 
brother-o^-^o- I'm Luka Megurine

Gakupo: And I'm Gakupo Kamui

Gakupo and Luka: Nice to meet you Kaiko!

Kaiko: That's nice and all but why did you kidnap me?

Luka: You're mistaken we saved you from some weird people who were trying to kidnap you so you should thank us ^-^

Kaiko: Okay then bye *gets stabbed with needle*

Luka: We never said you could leave we have to experiment on you and Kaito......*fades*

Kaiko:(All I could hear were chants and creepy music it's like a curse)

Kaiko: ( All I could feel was my body going into a deep trance and then....I 
became a new Kaiko....)

*Ending Theme Cantarella*

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